Pre- and aftercare

Pre- and aftercare


Eine gute Vorbereitung ist entscheidend für ein schönes Permanent Make-up! Das Ergebnis hängt nicht nur von der Pigmentierung selbst ab, sondern auch davon, wie gut deine Haut darauf vorbereitet ist. Der pigmentierte Bereich sollte gesund, intakt und frei von Reizungen sein, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Bitte komme ungeschminkt in den Bereich, der pigmentiert wird. Bei einem Sommersprossen-Termin bitten wir dich, auch dein Augen-Make-up zu entfernen, da du möglicherweise tränen wirst. Falls nötig, haben wir auch Make-up-Entferner im Studio für dich.


So bereitest du dich am besten vor:

Prevention of excessive bleeding and better color retention

  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before the procedure .
  • Avoid caffeine 12 hours before the treatment.
  • Do not take any blood-thinning medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen 24 hours beforehand.
  • Avoid sport on the day of the procedure.
  • Do not pluck or wax the area to be treated for at least a week beforehand.
  • Avoid fish oil and vitamin E (natural blood thinners) for a week beforehand.
  • Don't come to treatment with sunburnt skin.
  • Do not have any facial treatments or peelings two weeks before your appointment.
  •  Do not use any vitamin A/retinol products for four weeks before the treatment.
  • If you have taken antibiotics or cortisone, this should be at least 4 weeks before the treatment. If you regularly take cortisone or other medication, please consult your doctor beforehand to discuss possible effects on the treatment.

Special instructions for lips and eyes:

  • If you are prone to herpes, talk to your GP and take antiviral medication as a preventative measure.
  • Keep your lips well cared for and moisturized to avoid dryness. Dry lips can make pigmentation more difficult and painful.
  • It is recommended that at least 8 weeks elapse between a hyaluronic lip treatment and lip pigmentation. This is because pigmentation can affect and possibly reduce the hyaluronic acid.
  • For eyeliner or lash line extensions: Remove your eyelash extensions at least two weeks beforehand and take good care of your eyelids. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before the treatment.

Healing phase:
Allow sufficient time for healing. Redness, swelling and slight scabbing may occur in the first 5-7 days. During this time, you should keep the pigmented area as dry as possible and avoid applying make-up. Avoid sun exposure, so an appointment directly before a vacation in the south is not ideal. MRI examinations should also be avoided after treatment.

With this preparation, you ensure the best conditions and get a beautiful, long-lasting result! Book your appointment here now:


Direkt nach der Behandlung wird der Bereich etwas empfindlich sein und die Farbe wirkt zunächst intensiver als das Endergebnis. Es kann zu Schwellungen, Rötungen und leichten Blutergüssen  kommen, die in der Regel in den ersten drei Stunden um 80% zurück gehen und nach 1-2 Tagen komplett abklingen. Sollte es jedoch zu unerwarteten Komplikationen wie anhaltender Schwellung, Rötung, Entzündung, Fieber oder Ausschlag kommen, suche bitte einen Arzt oder eine Hautambulanz auf und halte uns auf dem Laufenden. Du darfst nach der Behandlung wieder Koffein, Alkohol und Schmerztabletten zu dir nehmen. Beachte jedoch, dass Alkohol und Drogen den Heilungsprozess verlangsamen können.

Wound fluid may leak out in the first 24 hours. It is important to regularly dab this off carefully with a damp cotton pad to prevent the formation of a thick scab.

Immediately after the treatment, you will receive a special care cream from us as well as an information card with all the important information so that you are optimally prepared for the healing phase. You can find more product recommendations further down in the text.

The next day, the pigmentation will appear darker as scabs form. Slight swelling or bruising may also still be visible. The scab usually falls off after 3-10 days, depending on your skin and the type of treatment. After the scab has fallen off, the color may be very light and darken slightly after about a week.

General care instructions:

  • Keep the pigmented area dry and clean, avoid excessive contact with water. Light washing with mild detergent is permitted.
  • Apply a thin layer of cream to your pigmentation several times a day (not when thickening the lash line).
  • Do not apply any make-up products to the treated area until the scab is completely removed.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds and saunas for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid intensive sporting activities to prevent excessive sweating.
  • Do not use any peelings or aggressive skin care products (active cosmetics such as acids, vitamin C or A) in the first few weeks.
  • Do not scratch, even if it itches. Itching is completely normal during the healing process!

Long-term care:
Permanent make-up fades over time - depending on the treatment, skin type and lifestyle within 1-5 years. Refreshments are necessary to maintain the color intensity and beauty of your permanent make-up. Factors such as oily skin, iron deficiency or a strong immune system can cause the pigment to fade faster or heal less defined. The fading process is stimulated by:

  • dry skin, try to apply cream to your pigmentation regularly
  • UV radiation, please always use 50 sun protection on your pigmentation/tattoo
  • active cosmetics

Additional treatments:

Cover-up work, i.e. the over-pigmentation of existing permanent make-up, often requires several sessions to achieve the desired result. Old pigmentation cannot always be completely covered, especially if it is very dark or deeply engraved.

For this reason, we are reluctant to accept external work. In recent decades, permanent make-up has often been applied too intensively and deeply. This impairs our ability to apply delicate, natural pigmentation, as this would not stand out over the dark old PMU.

We therefore always recommend having the old PMU removed by laser before a new treatment. This allows us to start from scratch and naturally. It is a long-term investment in your appearance and the quality of your pigmentation.

We also do not refurbish old work from other studios, only our own work. In these cases, the new price always applies.

Note on MRI examinations:
A magnetic resonance examination (MRI) may cause slight irritation to the tattooed area. However, no scientifically proven risks are known when using high-quality pigments approved in Europe.

We recommend these products for good healing:

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. For specific care instructions for each treatment, please see detailed instructions below for proper aftercare to achieve the best possible results.

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