Permanent Make-up Trainings
Permanent Make-up Trainings
The PIGMENTIER AKADEMIE for permanent make-up and cosmetic tattooing offers professional training courses for beginners and advanced artists. We provide you with comprehensive knowledge at an academic level, both in theory and in practice. Our training courses take place in small groups - both online and in our studio "Pearl Tattoo" in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
We attach great importance to individual support and answer all your questions personally. Even after the training, we are there to support you with personal mentoring and a community. You can use our forum on the website to exchange ideas with other students and receive further support.
Starte deine Karriere als Permanent Make-up Expertin mit den erstklassigen Schulungen der PIGMENTIER AKADEMIE in Berlin! Ob du Anfängerin oder bereits erfahren bist – meine Ausbildungen in Berlin-Charlottenburg bieten dir die ideale Grundlage, um ein erfolgreiches Business aufzubauen, das nicht nur deine Kreativität entfaltet, sondern auch deine Umsätze steigert.
Basic training
Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows oder Wimpernkranzverdichtung
- 14 Tage Online Vorbereitung
- 3 Tage Präsenzunterricht
- Lebenslanger Support
- max. 3 Teilnehmer/innen
- Certificate
PREIS: 3797€ inkl. MwSt.
Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows, Nano Brows und/oder Smokey Liner inkl. Wimpernkranzverdichtung
- 14 Tage Online Vorbereitung
- ab 1 Tag Präsenzunterricht
- Lebenslanger Support
- max. 3 Teilnehmer/innen
- Certificate
PREIS: ab 1297€ inkl. MwSt.
Freckles Training
Natürliche Sommersprossen Pigmentierung
- 12+ Stunden Online Vorbereitung
- 1 Tag Präsenzunterricht
- Lebenslanger Support
- Zwei Zertifikate für online und Praxis-Schulung
PREIS: 1694€ inkl. MwSt.
Freckles Training
Natürliche Sommersprossen Pigmentierung
- 12+ Stunden Online Vorbereitung
- 1 Tag Präsenzunterricht
- Lebenslanger Support
- Zwei Zertifikate für online und Praxis-Schulung
PREIS: 1694€ inkl. MwSt.
Lerne exklusive Permanent-Make-up-Techniken und entwickle deinen unverwechselbaren Stil, um dich als PMU Artistin international einen Namen zu machen. Meine Schulungen finden sowohl online als auch in meinem Studio „Pearl Tattoo“ in kleinen, exklusiven Gruppen statt. Ich vermittle dir praxisnahes und theoretisches Wissen auf höchstem Niveau, basierend auf meiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Permanent Make-up. Die persönliche Betreuung steht dabei immer im Mittelpunkt – all deine Fragen beantworte ich ausführlich und individuell.
Sichere dir jetzt deinen Ausbildungsplatz und setze dich mit deinen Permanent Make-up-Künsten von der Konkurrenz ab. Mit meiner Expertise schaffst du die ideale Basis, um zur besten Adresse für Permanent Make-up in deiner Region zu werden und höchste Qualitätsstandards zu erfüllen.
Auch nach der Schulung lasse ich dich nicht allein: Mit persönlichem Mentoring und einer aktiven Community stehe ich dir weiterhin zur Seite. Über unser Online-Forum kannst du dich mit anderen Schülern austauschen und weiterführende Unterstützung erhalten, um deinen Erfolg im Permanent Make-up weiter auszubauen.
Starte jetzt deine Karriere in der Permanent Make-up Branche in Berlin
Nutze diese Chance und werde zur gefragten Permanent Make-up Artistin in Berlin. Sichere dir deinen Platz in meiner Schulung – ich freue mich darauf, dich auf deinem Weg zu begleiten!

Your trainer Merle Siefkes
As a trainer, master artist and studio owner of Pearl Tattoo in Berlin, I am an internationally certified permanent make-up artist and expert in my field. My goal as a cosmetic tattoo artist is to support people in strengthening their self-confidence and self-esteem through targeted, precise and individual pigmentation.
I attach great importance to emphasizing the individual beauty of my clients and work according to the latest standards. In addition to my artistic streak and my eye for detail, I am also interested in the technical connections and functions of pigmentation. Because only with a deep understanding of the basics can you develop your own technique and hold your own in a competitive market.
In my training courses, I share my extensive knowledge and experience to help you perfect your own technique and become successful in the industry.
How to become a permanent make-up artist
Training at the Pigmentier Academy prepares you comprehensively for success in the growing beauty industry and makes you a professional permanent make-up artist. Our training combines theory and practice so that you leave the course not only with in-depth knowledge, but also with practical skills and an expanded portfolio.
Our training courses take place in small groups in order to offer you individual support. The theory part covers important topics such as dermatology, color theory, pigmentology, machine and needle science as well as hygiene regulations. We offer you a wide range of tested products and work on latex artificial skin first to make sure you feel confident and prepared before working on the model.
In the practical part of the course, you will carry out the pigmentation technique under supervision and consolidate your knowledge on up to two models. After the course, you will receive a certificate, lifelong support from our trainers and access to our online community where you can exchange ideas with other students .
Our training courses are aimed at beginners and advanced learners who want to expand their knowledge or learn new techniques. By learning the theory online, you can learn at your own pace as you deepen your practice. Professional permanent make-up takes time and dedication - each technique is covered in detail to guarantee you the best results.

Learn how to pigment natural-looking faux freckles naturally!
In our online course "Faux Freckles", I will show you how to pigment semi-permanent freckles masterfully. Become one of the first cosmetic tattoo artists in the world to master this coveted technique!
Thanks to high demand from TikTok and FaceFilter trends, you can now expand your offering to include the popular freckle tattoos. Due to capacity and location restrictions, our studios are unable to cater to all requests - so be at the forefront and take this opportunity to position yourself in this up-and-coming sector!
Our training dates are usually fixed, but new dates can be added on request.
The training courses take place in small groups of 2 to 6 people, provided there are enough registrations. All prices are inclusive of VAT. On request and for an additional charge, we also offer individual 1-to-1 training courses.
Please note that the training courses do not include a starter set. However, you will receive a list with recommendations for necessary equipment.
Um deinen Platz bei einer Vor-Ort-Schulung zu reservieren, ist eine einmalige, nicht erstattungsfähige Bereitstellungs-/Anzahlungsgebühr von bis zu 500€ erforderlich. Diese Gebühr wird auf den Gesamtbetrag des Kurses angerechnet. Bei kurzfristiger Absage (weniger als eine Woche vor dem Termin) wird die Anzahlung einbehalten. Wenn du rechtzeitig (mindestens eine Woche im Voraus) absagst, kannst du ohne zusätzliche Anzahlung an einem anderen Termin teilnehmen. Die Kosten können auch in Raten über Klarna bezahlt werden.
Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows oder Wimpernkranzverdichtung
Online theory:
- Needle and machine technology
- Dermatology
- Pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technical theory of powder shading
Practical training in the studio (2 days):
- Tag 1: Allgemeine Theorie, Techniktheorie, Arbeit an der Kunsthaut
- Tag 2: Arbeit an der Kunsthaut , Vorführmodell, Business & Marketing
- Tag 3: Eigene Arbeit an 2 Schülermodellen
3797 € incl. VAT.
- small groups with max. 3 students
- Certificates
- Access to the online academy when the online course is available
Theory online (12 hours of video material, community):
- Needle and machine science, dermatology, pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technology theory
- Working on the artificial skin
1 day of practice in the studio:
- Working on the artificial skin
- Q&A session
- Demonstration model
- Two student models
Präsenz mit Online Vorbereitung: 1697€ inkl. MwSt.
only online: 697€ incl. VAT
- kleine Gruppen
- Zertifikat für online und Präsenzschulung
Techniken: Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows, Nano Brows und/oder Smokey Liner/Wimpernkranzverdichtung
Online theory:
- Needle and machine science, dermatology, pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technology theory
Praxis im Studio:
- Technology theory
- Working on the artificial skin
- Vorführmodell und bis zu 2 Schülermodelle pro Bereich
1 Tag: 1297€ inkl. MwSt.
2 Tage: 2497€ inkl MwSt.
3 Tage: 3797€ inkl. MwSt.
- small groups with max. 3 students
- Certificates
- Access to the online academy when the course is available
Our training dates are usually fixed, but new dates can be added on request.
The training courses take place in small groups of 2 to 6 people, provided there are enough registrations. All prices are inclusive of VAT. On request and for an additional charge, we also offer individual 1-to-1 training courses.
Please note that the training courses do not include a starter set. However, you will receive a list with recommendations for necessary equipment.
To reserve your place on an on-site training course, a one-off, non-refundable commitment/deposit fee of €500 is required. This fee will be deducted from the total amount of the course. If you cancel at short notice (less than one week before the date), the deposit will be retained. If you cancel in good time (at least one week in advance), you can attend another date without paying an additional deposit. The costs can also be paid in installments via Klarna.
Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows oder Wimpernkranzverdichtung
Online theory:
- Needle and machine technology
- Dermatology
- Pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technical theory of powder shading
Practical training in the studio (2 days):
- Tag 1: Allgemeine Theorie, Techniktheorie, Arbeit an der Kunsthaut
- Tag 2: Arbeit an der Kunsthaut , Vorführmodell, Business & Marketing
- Tag 3: Eigene Arbeit an 2 Schülermodellen
PREIS: 3797€ inkl. MwSt.
- kleine Gruppen mit max. 3 Teilnehmern
- Certificate
- Zugang zur online Akademie, wenn der Online Kurs verfügbar ist.
Theory online (12 hours of video material, community):
- Needle and machine science, dermatology, pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technology theory
- Working on the artificial skin
1 day of practice in the studio:
- Working on the artificial skin
- Q&A session
- Demonstration model
- Two student models
Präsenz mit Online Vorbereitung: 1697€ inkl. MwSt.
only online: 697€ incl. VAT
- kleine Gruppen
- Zertifikat für online und Präsenzschulung
Techniken: Lippenpigmentierung, Powder Brows, Nano Brows und/oder Smokey Liner/Wimpernkranzverdichtung
Online theory:
- Needle and machine science, dermatology, pigmentology and color theory
- Hygiene training
- Technology theory
Praxis im Studio:
- Technology theory
- Working on the artificial skin
- Vorführmodell und bis zu 2 Schülermodelle pro Bereich
1 Tag: 1297€ inkl. MwSt.
2 Tage: 2497€ inkl MwSt.
3 Tage: 3797€ inkl. MwSt.
- small groups with max. 3 students
- Certificates
- Access to the online academy when the course is available

Your trainer Merle Siefkes
As a trainer, master artist and studio owner of Pearl Tattoo in Berlin, I am an internationally certified permanent make-up artist and expert in my field. My goal as a cosmetic tattoo artist is to support people in strengthening their self-confidence and self-esteem through targeted, precise and individual pigmentation.
I attach great importance to emphasizing the individual beauty of my clients and work according to the latest standards. In addition to my artistic streak and my eye for detail, I am also interested in the technical connections and functions of pigmentation. Because only with a deep understanding of the basics can you develop your own technique and hold your own in a competitive market.
In my training courses, I share my extensive knowledge and experience to help you perfect your own technique and become successful in the industry.

The term "Permanent Make-up Artist
It is often said that you should have a steady hand. Although you may be shaky and nervous at first, with practice and the right technique you will develop a steady hand. Patience is key, as it takes time to achieve the desired results, even if you already understand the basics. Discipline and tidiness are also essential, as you will be working directly with people and must adhere to strict hygiene rules.
Zeige deinen Kunden deine unverwechselbare Handschrift und kreiere hochwertige Permanent Make-up-Kunst, die begeistert!
Mit meiner Unterstützung lernst du die aktuellsten Techniken, um Augenbrauen und Lippen auf einzigartige Weise zu veredeln. Meine Leidenschaft für PMU und meine jahrelange Erfahrung helfen dir dabei, selbst zur Expertin zu werden. Ich habe von den Besten gelernt und mich kontinuierlich weitergebildet. Heute kommen Kunden aus dem Ausland zu mir, um sich von mir pigmentieren zu lassen. Und das kannst du auch erreichen!
In meinen intensiven Schulungen vermittle ich dir die gesamte Theorie und Praxis, die du brauchst, um sofort durchzustarten.
„Ein wahrer Lehrer sagt dir nicht, was du tun sollst. Stattdessen gibt er dir das Wissen, mit dem du selbst entscheiden kannst, was das Beste für dich ist.“
Genau das lebe ich in meinen Schulungen. Du wirst ermutigt, deine eigene Handschrift zu entwickeln und selbstbewusst zu werden, denn: Mut wächst, wenn man ermutigt wird!